These bylaws are re-created (word for word) using the bylaws that were on the back of the door at the camp. There was no date stated.
Article 1
Section 1This association shall be known as the Remington Rifle Club.
Article 2
Section 1The object of this club is to lease land from the Department of Forests and Waters for the erection of a cabin for hunting, fishing, and other recreation purposes.
Section 2This club shall consist of not more than ____ members and each member must pledge himself to abide by the fish, game, and forest laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Article 3
Section 1The officers of the club shall consist of a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer to be elected at an annual meeting of the club, to be held the ______ day of _______________ at _______________.
Section 2The president, vice-president, and treasurer shall be elected annually, but office of secretary shall be permanent throughout the lease.
Section 3The secretary shall act as leasee for the club, until such time as the club, by a majority vote, elects a successor to his office.
Article 4
Section 1The president shall have the power to call a special meeting at any time and shall give all members notice of such meeting.
Article 5
Section 1The dues in the club shall be _____ dollars per annum, to be paid to secretary not later than __________________ of each year and if said dues are not paid by ____________________ the interest of the delinquent shall revert to the club.
Article 6
Section 1No member may dispose of his share to any person or persons. If he wishes to withdraw from club he must return his share to the club. The treasurer of which shall refund his membership fee to him.
Article 7
Section 1At the regular annual meeting the treasurer must render an account of all money received and expended.
Article 8
Section 1Members of the club shall have the privilege of entertaining guests at the camp, except during the open game season when it shall be necessary to have the approval of the club.
Article 9
Section 1The club shall at all times reserve the right to approve or reject any or all guests at the cabin.
Article 10
Section 1No loaded firearm shall at any time be brought into the cabin.
Section 2How serious the offense is will be dealt with at the camp.
Article 11
Section 1 Any member not in good standing is not permitted to vote on any matters pertaining to club affairs.
Article 12
Section 1Should the expenditures in any one year exceed the sum in the treasury, an assessment shall be levied pro-rata on the members to make up the deficit.
Article 13
Section 1The two captains and the two assistant captains are to decide where the drives are going to be. The watchers will be placed and must stay there. Change on the flankers every drive.
Section 2A charge of ______ for stranger per day during the fishing and hunting season. Families can go after the 15th day of May by arrangement.